American Legion Post 257 Meridian,Ms August 12,2021 meeting Notes

Attendees: Commnander Oliver PeeblesIII,Treasurer Annie Lockhart. Ray McNeal,, Tom Maddux, David Sloan, Charlie Brooks, Rayford Wright.

Commander Peebles called the meeting to order at 6:13 PM

Ray McNeal led the meeting in prayer to open the meeting.

Roll all was done by David Sloan

Sick call- Victor Jerone is feeling better and Bobbie Jerone ‘s health is taking a turn of improvement.

July Minutes were read by David Sloan. Motion to approve by Ray McNeal, and seconded by Tom Maddux. Motioned passed.

Dues: David Sloan turned into the treasurer dues for 5 people, Treasure wrote a check for $150 to be sent to HQ. David Sloan turned in receipt for $38.20 for stamps and stamped blank post cards. Treasurer wrote check to reimburse him for that amount.

No old business.

New Business:

Adjutant and Commander explained how VA health card with service connected imprint can allow access to NAS exchange and commissary.

There was discussion how how to access base housing. This will be followed up at the next meeting.

The Adjutant gave his address and phone number. 522 Bonita drive, Meridian,Ms 39301 601 481 3949

The Post website is AL257MERIDIANMS.COM

The meeting concluded.